แสดงบทความที่มีป้ายกำกับ art exhibition แสดงบทความทั้งหมด
แสดงบทความที่มีป้ายกำกับ art exhibition แสดงบทความทั้งหมด

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

LEGO® Brick Sculpture of Nathan Sawaya

Nathan Sawaya

   Thursday, March 25, 2010 6-8 pm

Exhibition Dates:
   Mar 23 - Apr 13, 2010

at Agora Gallory ,New York.
จาก Inspiration from Nathan Sawaya's artworks

Nathan Sawaya has taken a childhood fascination with a

ubiquitousbuilding block and transformed it into a

captivating artistic medium.Sawaya constructs

large-scale sculptures with LEGO® bricks,utilizing their

multifarious shapes and brilliant colors to create awide

range of subjects including desserts, planets, pop

cultureicons, and even a life-sized self-portrait. 

Sawaya, thoughworkingwith a decidedly unyielding

medium, is able to create expressionistimages that

effect lithe curves and forms. Within his oeuvre, one

isstruck by the endless possibilities of this medium;

it is as limitlessas his fertileimagination.Moreover,

Sawaya’s work is a testament to thebricks as a

meansfor creating fine art, something that has great

power, as is indicatedby viewer’s reactions.

“I am seeing children and families whohave never

stepped into an art galleryin their lives being drawn

inbecause of my work.” Sawaya livesand works

in Manhattan.His work may be seen at


upcoming premier marks the first occasion of a solo

exhibition comprised entirely of LEGO bricks

in New York.